Satan’s Strategy


1. Heaven: Satan accuses believers to hinder the work of the Lord on earth. Satan has access to heaven — Job 1:6-11; 2 Corinthians 2:11; Zechariah 3:1. The believer’s defense attorney: the Lord Jesus Christ — 1 John 3:1.


2. Earth: Satan invites believers to ignore the Word and accept false doctrine — 1 Timothy 4:1; 1 Corinthians 10:19-20; 11:3,13-15; 1 Chronicles 21:1


3. Satan seeks to frustrate God’s will:


            a) Operational will — James 4:7,8; Galatians 5:7.

            b) Geographical will — 1 Thessalonians 2:18.


4. Satan seeks to get the eyes of the believer off the Lord Jesus Christ, obscures the focus of the believer.


            a) Yourself: 1 Corinthians 1:10-11; Genesis 3:1; Elijah in 1 Kings 19:10; Peter in Matthew 26:31-35.

            b) Things — Hebrews 13:5,6.

            c) People — Jeremiah 17:5 (jealousy of people; admiration of people)


            Answer: Hebrews 12:2; Colossians 3:1,2.


5. Encourages believers to worry — 1 Peter 5:7-9.


6. Satan gets believers occupied with temporal solutions to man’s problems and therefore neglect divine solutions.


7. Satan instills fear of death in believers — Job 5:21; Psalm 23:4.


8. Satan blinds the minds of unbelievers: 2 Corinthians 4:3,4; 2 Thessalonians 2:9,10.


9. Satan deceives nations: Revelation 12:9; 20:3, 8.